1 Kommentar

Dear Charles Eisenstein,

I liked your analysis very much and I agree that the reduction to the aspect of CO2 does not do good to the environmental movement, and that it must preserve its soul, which consists of love for nature and vibrant vitality. This is what we are needing most.

May I therefore point you to a movement that is both spiritual and environmental? This is the SaveSoil movement initiated by Sadhguru in close collaboration with the UN. It focuses on the largest ecosystem and second largest carbon store: SOIL.

Because soil, together with the services of this ecosystem, is a control center that simultaneously controls the water balance, surface temperature and carbon cycle. If soil death is not stopped, we will have no environmental movement by 2050 anyway. Therefore Soil first.

We supporters of the SaveSoil movement also call ourselves Earth Buddies, meaning our starting point is not only our love for Nature and Life, but also the recognition that we are nourished by Mother Earth and are Earth ourselves. We need to find a new relationship to the ground under our feet. #SaveSoil is to find in social media and internet www.savesoil.org

Would be nice to meet you there.

Warmest regards

Monika from Germany (MSavesoil)


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